Friday, 11 December 2009

Magazine Contents Page Analysis

This contents page, taken from Q magazine, has been seperated into different sections such as "Features", "Every Month" and "Review". This has been done so that the reader can instantly find what kind of article they are looking for within the magazine.
The institution for this magazine is a commercial institution, this is shown by the section that says "Every Month" because it is obviously a long-running magazine that has established the same types of articles every month that have proved popular with their audience. Also, at the top of the page there is a website address relating to the magazine, this also shows that this is a popular magazine with a large audience.
The ideology behind this magazine is to promote pop, rock and indie music. This is shown by the variety of bands that are featured within the magazine and within different articles.
This magazine is aimed at males aged 18+, this is because they are the type of people usually interested in the genre of music this magazine is aimed at. Also the magazine seems to be quite serious rather than playful as it would be if it were aimed at a younger audience.
The colours red, white and black and been used consistently from the front cover. Also the larger image of a band shows that they are quite a serious band despite their scruffy appearance. This is shown by the location of the photograph and they way they are posing for their photograph.

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